Monday, April 16, 2007

soundtrack to my life

i feel like i'm on the outside of this technology-driven music consumption revolution that's taking place. you know, the same "technology-driven music consumption revolution" you've been reading about and experiencing over the past 5 years. or as most simply recognize it as the ipod era.

with all the new ways to purchase or otherwise acquire new and old music, as well as the technology available to listen and consume at any time (car, workout, shower, killing kittens or not killing kittens as the case may or may not be, etc.), i have sat on the sidelines watching musical obsessions flourish amongst my contemporaries. being in nyc, with all the live music options, has further highlighted my disinterest. i guess it can be summed up in one statement:

music is not very important to me.

i know that's hard to believe, given that i'm a charter member of the NKCDOTMC. i mean i'm interested in downloading albums and listening to new music as a primary activity, but music as a secondary, constant activity is not up my alley. i never cruise around the city with my ipod. my phone, which is also an mp3 player, has exactly 0 songs downloaded on it. even on my longer workouts, i don't really listen to music.

it seems that the world falls into two categories when it comes to music: those that want a soundtrack to life and those who don't. i definitely fall into the latter. i mean, a soundtrack to my life would be a cool little add-on feature, but i am equally entertained with the noise or silence of my surroundings, whether that's honking horns and cell-phone conversations or chirping crickets and the hooting of owls.

for those in the former category, i am quite jealous. there has been a massive buildout of technology to help you achieve your desire and enable your consumption. you can always access your soundtrack.

but alas, for me, my soundtrack will remain filled with the normal everyday cacophony.

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