Monday, June 4, 2007

The State of the Sports Column

I mean seriously, what is up with this crap? It's funny now that the guy is so wrong, but have you taken the time to notice what has become of sportswriting in the newspaper?

The most interesting thing about sports newspaper columns these days is just how bad they are compared to basically anything on or about 800 blogs, even when I happen to agree with what the author is saying. Most of what Malik has written in two months is better than anything I've read in the Orlando Sentinel EVER. I mean seriously, read this column - it's just attrocious writing, perhaps even worse than my own.

When bomb throwers like former Sentinel columnist Larry Guest were the only game in town, they would annoy me. Now that they're basically irrelevant, I just pity the editorial staff at places like the Orlando Sentinel and Florida Times-Union who actually believe that random inflammatory remarks and this hokey, arrogant "look at me, look at me!" writing style still qualify as good sportswriting. (This style completely permeates Florida sportswriting - tell me, can you think of anything else anywhere that's written in this ridiculous, banal style day after day? The Florida Times-Union opinion section is like reading some pre-menstrual girl's blog about ice cream - "Rocky Road is the WORST flavor EVER because I HATE IT!!!! LOL!!!:):):)) didn't replace my local sports section because it's more convenient - it's actually not more convenient at all. I can't fold my laptop up and bring it to the shitter, I can't get bacon grease all over my laptop at the local diner, and I definitely can't afford to burn my laptop in the fireplace when it pisses me off. I choose it because the column writing doesn't completely *suck* like it does in every single newspaper in Florida and really basically every other paper in the country other than the NY Times, Chicago Tribune, and SF Chronicle.

Actually those papers suck too, why not.

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