Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Virgin Soprano

I admit it. This is the first season that I'm watching the Sopranos. I wouldn't say I love it, or that I'm hooked. I'm sort of waiting...waiting to see what it is that gets everyone so worked up. How long will I wait? At least it's on at a great time, I mean, what else is on at 9pm on Sunday night (infamous home of Christina Applegate's Married with Children during my childhood...remember when Bud was trying to be a badass and called himself Grandmaster B? Ed would chide him and make other nicknames, like Bedwetter B. As much as I, and I presume the viewing public, enjoyed this show, I can't believe it's not being syndicated anywhere! but easily found on youtube)?

Ok, so I woke up this morning with three observations about this latest episode of the Sopranos:
1. goth high school kids are extremely misunderstood and do not respond well to tough love from authority figures or peers alike;
2. when you have a gut feeling about an nfl bet, or better yet, an inside tip from a physician on the other team, AND have an opportunity to be your spouse/parter's hard earned dollars, you must INSIST on making the bet, otherwise you will be regretting it for a long time and everyone knows that regret is a tough pillow to sleep on;
3. why did that kid drop a deuce in the shower?

Seriously, why did he poop? and then step in it??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Married With Children was funny for about 10 minutes once...